Tenebrae: A Maundy Thursday Service of Shadows

Maundy Thursday – Newmarket Baptist Church – April 13th 2017  liturgy compiled by Rev. Anne Wilkinson Hayes

The Lord is here

His Spirit is with us

We need not fear

His Spirit is with us

We are surrounded by love

His Spirit is with us

Prayer & music

Serving one another

Reading – John 13. 1-15 (3 voices)


Reflection on Sieger Koder painting

Confession and Sharing the Peace

Wash my hands not my feet poem (2 voices)

Washing each others’ hands (music)


On the night on which Jesus was betrayed, he sat at supper with his disciples. While they were eating, he took a piece of bread, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them with the words  “This is my body. It is broken for you. Do this to remember me.”

Later on he took a cup of wine, saying, “This cup is God’s new covenant, sealed with my blood. Drink from it, all of you, to remember me.”

Prayer of Thanks

Gratitude, Praise,

Hearts lifted high,

voices full and joyful…

These you deserve.

For when we were nothing, you made us something:

When we had no name and no faith and no future, you called us your children:

When we lost our way, or turned away, you did not abandon us:

When we came back to you, your arms opened wide in welcome.

And, now, you prepare a table for us

offering not just bread, not just wine,

but your very self so that we may be

filled, forgiven, healed, blessed, and made new again.

You are worth all our pain, and all our praise.

So we join our voices to those of the Church on earth and in heaven:

All: Holy, Holy, Holy

God of Power and Might

Heaven and Earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

Sharing bread & wine (music)

Tenebrae – the Rite of Shadows

And then after the supper, as Judas slipped away, so the events leading to Jesus’ Crucifixion began to unfold and together we will hear the story of the pain of the next 24hrs.

This is the time of shadows and as we hear of each shadow, a candle will be extinguished, until we are in darkness. We will then hear 33 chimes – one for each year of Jesus life, and as the sound dies away, so we leave the building in darkness and in silence, and we wait for what will come.

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